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Virginia Fly Fishing Report October 2024


There is a lot to cover, so lets jump right in. Water levels are in much better shape than they were the last two years in October. That is mostly from Hurricane Helene. Although it helped our area, our thoughts are with those further south that had their lives uprooted. If you have the ability to send help, please do.

The state was able to get a great start on the trout stocking season and many of the local streams got their first stocking already. These fish will take a few weeks to acclimate, so don't be afraid to throw junk flies (worms, eggs, or mops). As they learn what food is present in each river, the trout will get a little more selective. The category A stocked trout waters are stocked 8 times through May, so the trout fishing will only get better!

The brook trout streams are also fishing well. As of mid October there hasn't been much sign of the fish getting ready to spawn yet. The dry fly fishing has slowed after a couple of overnight freezes, but there are still sporadic caddis flies around. Dry dropper rigs are a good way to start. As the brookies move into the deeper holes for winter, switch to nymph rigs. An important note is that brook trout and brown trout spawn in the late fall. If you are seeing fish paired up LEAVE THEM ALONE. They are making the next generation for us to catch in the future. Another important thing to be cautious of is where you are wading. Trout will sweep their beds or redds in slower moving water where they will lay eggs. Be careful not to step on areas where the rocks look clean.

Bass fishing is starting to slow, but they are still feeding before winter. Fish slower and deeper in and around deep holes. The fish won't be spread throughout the river like they are during the warmer months, but when you find one there are probably quite a few in the area. Try slow-crawling crayfish patterns.

I never talk about specific fishing spots, but the lower Jackson River has been lights out over the past 3 weeks. The big wild brown trout have been feeding heavily leading up to their spawn. Unfortunately due to some property right issues this secrtion of water isn't really available to wading anglers. If you want to check out one of the best trout streams in the east coast, check out a float trip with Blue Ridge Fishing Adventures!

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